Thursday, November 1, 2007

Westboro Baptist Church: Agents of Satan? Or merely contemptible, low-life, black-hearted, despicable pieces of shit?

If you're not aware of this morally bereft, disgustingly offensive organization, it is a group that believes that the war in Iraq is punishment for the US's tolerance of homosexuality. This idea is bizarrely stupid and deeply offensive on its own, but they're entitled to it, and it's not what earned them this diatribe.
No, their sin is that they've used this idea to justify, get ready for it, the picketing of funerals for soldiers, carrying signs with such egregiously, colossally offensive slogans as "God hates fags", and "Thank God for dead soldiers". Read those again. It's unconscionable, isn't it? Remember, they are doing this at funerals, with these soldiers' poor parents forced to endure this unbelievably immoral onslaught on top of their burden of grief... one reels at the awful, callous, detestable wrongness of the dregs of humanity that call themselves the Westboro Baptists.
I don't believe in hell, but I hope there is one, for the sake of terrorists and Westboro Baptists. May they both burn there forever.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's horrifying. I'd beat them senseless if they did that at a funeral I was attending.